Hi, there! I'm


About Me

Get to know a little bit about my journey into tech.

My family and I moved from Brazil to the US, when I was 4, with the intentions of building up our Capoeira family business. Thanks to Capoeira I was exposed to a myriad of careers; we had students who were in finance, law, medicine, and tech! After we got our first computer at home, I was immediately hooked and I am always still amazed as to what people can create on the web. I felt a great sense of responsibility in making sure I helped my family business  in any way I could. In the years to come I jumped on the opportunity to  bring the business online and transitioned our logging methods from pen and paper to a digital logging system, as well as introducing the option of accepting credit card payments. During the COVID pandemic, to ensure our community stayed strong and supportive, I brought our classes into a virtual space with Zoom classes. We also made sure the community stayed alive through the use of Slack, keeping in contact with each other. It was during this time that I realized that Tech was the industry I wanted to be in, I want to be part of technological changes that will keep bringing people together!  Scroll down to see my resume or click here to download.